vrijdag 13 maart 2015

Interview with Ton Scherpenzeel 1999

Besides being a permanent member of superband Kayak, Mr. Scherpenzeel has also worked with a wide variety of artists which include Camel, Earth & Fire and Europe .
In this interview we cover several aspects from his musical carreer, but we did emphazize in his works with Camel and Chris Rainbow, enjoy it!

Arthur Saenz, April 1999

How did you get into music?

I started playing piano at the age of 6. When i was 14, i started playing in local bands on piano and bassguitar, a few years later studying (classical) double bass. My first professional band was Kayak, we began in 1972.

What was your first keyboard, and your favorite to date?

I’m not sure. It could be a Crumar Piano, or a Hohner Pianet, or a Farfisa Organ. I have no favourite. It depends on what's needed. There are so many around. They all have their own special sound.

Do you play other instruments, sing?

In addition to keyboards i still like playing bassguitar, a very little guitar. Yes, I sing but mainly for my own demo's. In kayak I sang harmonies, only one song I did the lead vocal for.

How did Kayak started? What's your favorite album with them?

We started around 1971, evolving from local groups and fellow students at the music school (Max Werner and Pim Koopman). My own favourite albums are Royal Bed Bouncer and Merlin
What would you say your style is? Has it changed through the years?

I try to create my own style, but of course there are a lot of influences, ranging from all sorts of pop music to renaissance music. Yes, i think it has changed - or better, developed. As I write more for theatre purposes, I don’t have to think whether it can be played on the radio. In the old days, I started writing music first, and then the lyrics came. Now it's the opposite. (when songs are concerned) I get the lyrics (usually in dutch) and create the song around the lyrics
How did you get to meet Camel and Chris Harley?

In 1983 I got asked by Andrew Latimer to play the keyboards in Camel. So I met Chris.

What do you think of that experience, working with them in Stationary Traveller?

It was a great experience. I always was (considered) the leader of a band, from then on I could see things from another perspective and concentrate on playing. I liked the music and Chris and Andrew as persons, so I had a real fine time.

What's your favorite song in that album?

Long Goodbyes. I liked to play that live too, I felt I could have written that song, I could identify with it.

Why was it that you decide to work with Chris in your album Heart Of The Universe? Is this album still available anywhere?

I already knew Chris' work and I liked his voice very much. I thought he was perfect for a number of songs I had written, so when we met while working in Camel, I asked him if he wanted to do lead vocals on my solo album. I don’t think it's available anymore. It was one of the first Lp's in holland that came out on cd
What was the response from fans at the time? Did you ever tour to promote that album? How did you like the results from that album, in both commercial and musical sense?

I still quite like the album, it's so different from what i did before. In hindsight there is too much computer drumming and too little real musicians, but in its context, it's still o.k. Commercially it didn't do much. There was a single, Waiting for the Night, that was played a lot on dutch radio and got good response. But overall, it wasn't exactly a smash hit. I didn't tour, and found out what I already knew in my heart: I am no solo artist
What other artists have you worked with?

Lots, but mainly from Holland. Most of their names wouldn't mean anything to you, except maybe the band Earth and Fire. From 1988-1994 I joined, and we did a lot of live performances in Holland. We made one album with this line up, called Phoenix (1989).

Do you have any current or future musical projects?

Lots, mainly writing and recording for theatre projects in Holland (most of it is released on cd, which you can see at the Kayak site), and sometimes I'll produce a record of another artist. Composing is my living. In april there is a premiere of a musical about the Bellringer of the Notredame, that I have just finished.

Have you ever considered working with Camel or Chris again? Do you keep contact with them?

I'd like to, but I live in Holland, and Camel (or Andrew) lives in America. As I don't fly, it's a bit hard to organize. I don't want to tour anymore, so that's also a problem when albums have to be promoted. I am still in touch with Andrew though. When there's a chance, I'll ask Chris again to sing, if he wants to - I don't know what he's doing at the moment, we didn't keep in touch. If you are in contact with him, say hello from me.

Very special thanks to Ton Scherpenzeel and Jim Coleman for their kind contributions.

Source: Old(inactive) Chris Rainbow fansite managed by Arthur Saenz

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